Tuesday, 24 March 2009

How to Turn on Your Girlfriend and Have Her Begging You to Follow Her to the Bedroom

Face it guys, when it comes to the mystical art of turning on your girlfriend, even the smoothest of smooth can have an unexplainable hard time. Women, god bless them, are creatures of mystery that no man has ever been able to wholly figure out.
The cool thing to say now would be, "until now". But hey, we're not going to lie, we don't have the magic key to instant increased sexuality for your girl, but we do have five little tricks that can help you on your way. Learning these fundamental methods of making her engine roar louder than ever will not only impress her, but they will hopefully persuade your honey into giving you more chances to enter her bedroom kingdom.
1. Candlelight dinner - Yeah, you've probably seen this in the movies and on TV a hundred times, but it's for good reason. It works. A fine damsel will appreciate the effort you've gone through to prepare her dinner by candlelight. This is the first step in unlocking the kingdom. Oh, and softly play some nice, romantic (not cheesy) music in the background - it's a good conversation starter and will fill any potential awkward gaps.
2. Listen - Whether it's during the dinner we spoke of above, or any time for that matter, just take the time to listen to her. Like anyone else, your girl probably likes attention - it's human nature. Put away your boring stories about the office and listen to hers. This may seem corny, but it will certainly help your cause.
3. Foreplay - I know most guys hate to even think of the word, but seriously, it's an important step in the process. So important, that without it, you're probably not going to get where you want to go, if you catch my drift. Soft caress, passionate kissing, massages, foot rub, kissing her neck - the works. The more effort you put into this fundamental part of the process, the more you'll get in return.
4. Respect - Nothing turns on your lady like a little r-e-s-p-e-c-t. As we mentioned above, listen to her, care about her feelings, take an interest in what she likes and what she doesn't like. Pay attention to important dates, names, favorite foods, favorite songs, and everything in between. This may not give you an immediate ticket into her pants, but if you respected her in the first place, you wouldn't be worried about that now would you?
5. Gifts - This one may be controversial, but lets be honest - what girl in this world doesn't like a gift now and then? Whether this comes in the form of flowers or chocolate lingerie, giving gifts to your girl will almost always lead to her giving you a gift in return. Be sincere though. Don't give gifts only because you know the end result - actually mean it. Be creative and get her something nice - think outside of the box so that she doesn't smell any insincerity, because the instant that she does, you're done.

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