Wednesday 18 March 2009

Sexual Compatibility

Today, although sex education is more widespread, little is taught about sexual compatibility. Unless one is promiscuous (generally considered a poor choice), how can one find out what sexual compatibility means and how does one know what one will like or dislike?
These are tough questions, but let me pose a counter question: what is harder, getting better at physical intimacy or personal intimacy? The answers, other than the purely physical considerations of size and fit, are mainly found in the subject of communication. Sometimes people have sex rather than face the difficulties in their relationship. Sex, in its most enjoyable and satisfying form is after all, a communication, an expression of love. Sometimes sharing your more intimate thoughts and feelings take more courage than sharing your body. Sex may temporarily solve a problem, but does not solve deeper intimate issues.
Romantic love often washes up on the rocky shore of sexual incompatibility. In years of working with people on the subject of relationships it's been observed that sexual involvement sometimes covers up problems that don't surface until the romance starts to fade. Once the romance is over you're left with someone you may not really know. Sometimes in desperation a relationship may be about to end and sex is used to try and reconnect the two people together. This reconnection is usually only physical and temporary. It will not change the real deeper issues, but will only cover them up with feelings and desires. Romantic warm fuzzy feelings alone are not a foundation for a lasting relationship.
Communication is a major factor, not just in considering sexual compatibility, but in any form of compatibility, whether it is personal or business one must understand the components that make up good communication.
What are some of those components? (I'll list a few here); Presence Intention Listening Empathy Affinity Dynamis {Life Energy}
Communication is a two-way street. No where is this more true than in compatibility. Sometimes you may hear people say that their sex life "sucks". Maybe the sexual act isn't the problem, but in looking closer you may find there has been an emotional disconnect. The communication lines have been jammed or blocked thus preventing any real communication or growth. Most of the time the problems that arise when examined can be easily handled and trust and understanding can be restored.
Sex, life, and work are all more enjoyable when you and your partner are communicating effectively.

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